Category: Events

Reviews of conferences/events

Takeaways from QuantMinds 2023

It’s been exactly a decade since I attended my first QuantMinds event. At the time, it was called Global Derivatives, and as the name suggests, it was very much focused towards option pricing and its associated areas. It was held for a number of years in Amsterdam, at the Okura Hotel (whilst I can’t remember…

Berkshire Hathaway Meeting in Omaha

The Berkshire Hathaway shareholders meeting returned in person for the second time after COVID this weekend in Omaha. As noted by Warren Buffett, there was somewhat of a clash in the calendar with the Coronation over the Atlantic, although he did quip that they had their own King Charles here at the meeting, in the…

QuantMinds 2022 Barcelona

It’s been thirty years since Barcelona held the Olympics. Whilst I never visited the city before the Olympics, it’s difficult not to notice the impact of the event. You can see this in many areas of the city, such as in the seaside, where the beachfront was developed. The legacy of the Olympics in Barcelona…

The 2022 Berkshire Hathaway Meeting

Walking around Omaha, there are reminders of the old West. In the Old Market district, the cobble stones remain, but the old style saloon bars are gone. In their place there are fancy restaurants and bars. There are sculptures of old Omaha, stagecoaches cast from bronze. The railroad is still there, but the original station…