Category: Events

Reviews of conferences/events

QuantMinds 2021 in Barcelona

The above photo is of Montjuïc Castle which has one of the best views over the city. The view from there kind of explains why the location was chosen from a strategic perspective. As a city Barcelona has many places which punctuate the skyline, whether it’s that castle, or the (still unfinished) Sagrada Familla, Gaudi’s…

QuantMinds 2019 Vienna

Vienna is one of those places which has somehow largely eluded my travels. The last time I visited it was 25 years ago. However, it has very much stuck in my memory. History is one of those things which you can never escape from in Vienna. The echos of musical history are everywhere, whether it…

QuantMinds Lisbon 2018

Lisbon sits wedged between the Atlantic on the West and the river Tagus on the south. It’s buildings seemingly tanned to deep pastel shades, reflect a sun, which seems forever present. Whilst is it the history of the city, which appears to greet the visitor at first, whether it the Tower of Belem, or monastery,…