Category: Data

Legal aspects of alt data

Whenever we eat something, understanding the ingredients which have gone into a dish is important. Is it organic? Is it fresh or frozen? Have the food and vegetables been grown in a sustainable way? What is the quality of the produce? There are many questions we might seek to ask.   When it come to…

Working with time series in Python

In the dim and distant past (let’s call this 2007!) if you wanted to work with time series, you might have to resort to writing your own time series library. When I say a “time series library”, I’m not really talking about any sophisticated techniques for manipulating time series. Instead, I’m talking about ways of…

Quantifying Politics

We all know that politics impacts markets. However, it can be tricky to understand how to quantify political risk and use it as an input in the investing process. Here we take an updated look at the returns from applying Thorfinn’s political indices to trade a basket of macro assets. During our sample period from…