Category: Data

Mind the gap risk

Financial markets are not generally open continually. Cryptocurrency markets by contrast, are open all the time. If you want to trade Bitcoin over the weekend you can. There are also various weekend markets on some smaller platforms, where you can speculate on assets like Dow Jones. If a market is closed and a big market…

Visualization in Python

What’s one of the most important part of analyzing financial markets, or data science in general? There are several answers. If you don’t have any data to start with, there’s not really going to be more to analyze. Once you get the data, it needs to be cleaned, before the analysis etc. Once all the…

Find the questions to solve with alt data

Buzzwords, buzzwords, buzzwords. Every age has different buzzwords. Today, probably some of the most popular are machine data and alternative data, whether you work in finance or any other industry. Want to make more profits? Well, use machine learning, use alternative data etc. (ok, it isn’t that easy, but I’ll explain more later).   Rather…