Category: Data

First steps when exploring data

It’s exciting travelling to a new place and exploring it. No matter how prepared you might be, it’s always different when your actually there. Photos are useful for points of reference, as might travel guides, yet they always miss parts of the travel experience. Revisiting a place after many years, adds to the mix memories,…

Your data first, then external

It’s always tempting to look further afield when travelling. I’m not suggesting that we shouldn’t travel further afield, it’s just that we often negate what is sitting right on our doorstep. Over the past year, many of us have spent far more time at home then we would ordinarily or in the area where we…

Text and trading

People usually ask me several types of questions. The most common one is where I think you can find the best burger is. I do have an answer to this (which may or may not be a secret), but in order to validate this response, I’ll need to do a lot more burger based research…