Category: Data

Machine learning the mundane

Try to think of the “buzziest”, buzzwords you can think of. Support vector machines? No. Random Forests? No. However, group these together (and much more) under the umbrella of “machine learning”, and suddenly we have created a buzzword! The basic idea of many of the techniques which underpin machine learning is find relationships between variables. In particular,…

Mies, hard work, simplicity & trading

“Architecture starts when you carefully put two bricks together. There it begins.” That’s a quotation from Ludvig Mies van der Rohe, the famous German-American architect. I recently visited one of his buildings, his famous Barcelona Pavilion, which is partially pictured above. Whilst the scene might look exceptionally modern, the original building was erected in 1929…

Learn from data scientists everywhere

It is claimed that the burger was invented in 1895, in a restaurant called Louis’ Lunch in New Haven in Connecticut. There are of course other counterclaims (my own personal belief, for which I’ve found very little evidence, is that it has something to do with the city of Hamberg). However, what is certain is…

An alternative data meal needs to be cooked

Cooking is perhaps not my forte. My culinary abilities do not extend much beyond extremely simple dishes, but I’m nevertheless trying to improve, with the help of Jamie Oliver (well, his new book “5 ingredients” which seems to have been written for people like myself). I can rustle up a simple omelette. I can bake…