Category: Data

Cleaning data for trading

Nobody likes doing the boring stuff. We all want to go on holiday, but packing our bags is not the fun bit. We all want to have a nice burger (well, I do), but queuing for ages at an ever popular burger joint is not what we want. Traders all want to have positive P&L,…

Gauging how useful alternative data is

Hands up, if you’ve heard the words “alternative data” being used in quant circles recently? I can see a lot of hands up! I could ask the same questions for machine learning and artificial intelligence, and probably get the same reaction. The crux of any good trading strategy is using data as an input and…

How much to pay for alternative data?

How much is something worth? The simplest definition is the price someone is willing to pay for it. Is a Leonardo da Vinci painting worth four hundred and fifty million dollars? Someone was willing to pay that much for it (and another party was willing to sell it them for that amount). Such a market…

Time series workshop at NIPS

I was recently at NIPS, a week long conference on machine learning. With over 8000 attendees, a new record for the event, it is one of the biggest conferences dedicated to machine learning. In the coming weeks, I’m looking forward to writing about the various subjects discussed at the event, including my general takeaways. In…