Category: Data

Point-in-time for your data

The one thing we really want to know when making trading decisions, is the future! Alas, we don’t have that information! All we do have is information up until the point we actually want to trade, and have to somehow use that to make a prediction about the future price. Ok, this is blatantly obvious…

Moving from Matlab to Python

What’s your favourite burger joint? This is probably the question I get asked most. Perhaps a more relevant question I get asked, is what are the best ways to move from Matlab to Python. For many financial firms, it is a very pertinent question. I used Matlab extensively during my career, particularly when I was…

Crowdsourcing in markets

What is crowdsourcing? If we ask Wikipedia, it tells us that it “is a sourcing model in which individuals or organizations obtain goods and services. These services include ideas and finances, from a large, relatively open and often rapidly-evolving group of internet users; it divides work between participants to achieve a cumulative result.” Within a trading context, how…

Data, trend following and more

One of the historical bedrocks of many quant funds, in particular those known as CTAs, has been trend following strategies. Funds such as Winton have largely been known as trend followers. Recently published an interview with David Harding, the founder of Winton (link here and it’s well worth reading), alongside some of their thoughts. Harding…

Where does alternative data fit in?

I often get asked about where alternative data can be used during the investment process. In practice, I think the key point about alternative data, is that it isn’t an “alternative” to traditional data sources. Furthermore, very often you want to combine various alternative data sources together to generate a signal. This also means combining…