Category: General

General posts about markets

Budgets and alternative data

We all have budgets in mind for certain things. If someone offered me a burger for 1000 GBP, well, I’d probably have to politely decline. If someone offers me a house for 1000 GBP, well, that seems like good value! Our budgets are related to what we perceive as being “good value”. Ok, that’s fairly…

Forecasting or nowcasting?

We all want to forecast what’s around the corner? However, perhaps a more pertinent question, which we might seek to ask is the following, is this actually a corner? In a nutshell, that is the difference between forecasting and nowcasting. Forecasting is all very well and good, but it isn’t particularly easy. Nowcasting is more…

S3 less Audi more Amazon

When I hear S3, I still think of the Audi S and RS models, those high performance variants and Audi’s versions of the BMW’s M series. I’ve got to admit, there is something a bit more special about a BMW M5 compared to an RS6, but I’ve never driven either to confirm that (any comments…

Download tickers from many sources

Whenever you cook, do you use one ingredient? You could do, but the results are going to be pretty bland. A burger, without bread, or a patty, is a bit of a non-starter. It’s all about finding the right mix of ingredients and then cooking up a storm (if you’ll excuse the pun). Analysing financial markets…

Crypto and quant trading

There’s probably something innately human about wanting to be right about a prediction. If I get a burger, I especially hope that it’ll be a fantastic burger. Sometimes it is, and I feel a sense of vindication. Other times, maybe not. The downside isn’t exactly a big deal, just a lousy meal, and hopefully, they’ll…