Category: General

General posts about markets

Keeping a market perspective

When I was a kid, there was something distinctly exciting about flying by plane.Whilst perhaps this might be skewed by pangs of nostalgia, I think the main reason, was simply that airports were less busy and it was relatively novel experience flying (well, at least for me). With the reduction in airfares, perhaps unsurprisingly we…

Experience counts in coding

Life is change. I’m not sure if that’s a quote, or something I just made up. However, over the past few decades, the pace of technological change has seemingly accelerated. Does that mean that if you are a coder, for example, your experience can quickly become outdated or does experience count? Just hold that thought,…

Choosing books to read and markets

Sometimes I wish I could sweep up every book in bookshop into a magic carpet. Then somehow I could read them all in an instant. Alas, this will never be the case. So instead, for avid readers like myself, we always have the difficult decision of choosing which book to read. For every book which…