Category: Python

Testing times when coding

Over the past few weeks, the news has been dominated by the coronavirus. I wrote about the topic last week, specifically about using alternative data to understand how to track the economic impact, and also appeared on Bloomberg TV to discuss it. In these times, punctuated by observance of hand washing, face masks etc. it…

Using images in trading

There are some things computers can’t really do. They can’t enjoy a good burger. They don’t seem to understand the importance of knafa. Ok, perhaps these aren’t really that important. However, people are still pretty good at doing many things, that computers haven’t been able to do well, at least until recently. Any toddler can…

First steps of building quant

If I want to get something done, I find procrastination is the optimal strategy. Well, I suppose optimality is dependant on the time horizon. In the short term, it is nearly always optimal. In the long term, it is less clear whether procrastination will always be an optimal strategy. Eventually though you’ll have to do…